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Učební plán - prima

Učebnice - Project English 2 . Časopis Bridge.

měsíc učební plán učební plán
září Introduction Friends and Family , Personal Details, Physical descriptions, Colours, Clothes, Sports, Numbers, Classroom objects.
Present Tenses, Question forms, Articles, Prepositions, There is/are.
říjen Unit 1 -Family , Activities, Prices, Shopping, Months, The weather.
- Present simple, Present continuous, Ordinal numbers
listopad Unit 1,2 - Habits and Hobbies, Animals, Parts of the Body, Physical Descriptions.
- Likes and dislikes, object pronouns.
prosinec Unit 2 - Pets.
- this / that / these / those / some / any
- Your own pet.
- Christmas
leden Unit 3 - Health, Doctors and Dentists
- Past simple, asking and answering, illnesses, accidents.
- Life in the past
únor Unit 4 - Food and Drink. At the restaurant. Ordering in a restaurant, making a shopping list.
- Articles.
březen Unit 4,5 - Recipe for a meal.
- Countable and uncountable nouns, Quantity, Articles.
- Food in my country, meal times.
duben Unit 5 - Countries and continents. The British Isles.
- Common similes.Valentine's Day.
- Comparatives, describing differences.
květen Unit 5,6 - Clothes. The Record breakers.
- Entertainment. At the movies.
-Adverbs of frequency, adverb with -ly, making suggestions.
červen Unit 6 - Making arrangements, meeting friends, a day in life, daily programme, plans.

© 2004 Alois Studenovský, Alice Studenovská - poslední aktualizace 2. 9. 2009